Fluctus is an advanced and versatile rocketry flight computer.

This flight computer is sold as a bundle, along with its radio ground station.

Main Capabilities

Flight data recorder

Deployment altimeter

Long-range telemeter

Recovery GPS tracker

Tilt-sensitive staging device

Remote actuation device

Detailed Features

Radio communication

with a ground station and a PC software, for telemetry, remote control and configuration.

High-rate BlackBox

logging loads of data, with a dedicated and convenient flight analysis software.

On-board GPS

measuring 3D position anywhere on Earth, so you never lose your rocket again.


up to ±200G for accurate speed measurement.


filtered, and capable of 20km (65kft) altitude.


for tilt measurement and safer propulsion staging.

Compact, lightweight and convenient format

  • Only 25mm wide for 25 grams
  • Battery reverse polarity protection
  • LEDs, buzzer, and on-board monochrome screen

Extensive IOs

  • 3 high-current pyrotechnic outputs with continuity detection
  • 4 auxiliary outputs with servo driving capability and RunCam™ remote-control feature
  • 2 analog inputs for auxiliary sensors

Smart flight sequencer

  • Optional automatic arming on power up
  • Fast but safe launch detection
  • Multiple burnouts / airstarts detection
  • Mach-tolerant and multi-sensor apogee detection, with no altitude constraints

Extremely versatile flight event programming

based on a chain of conditional rules.
This allows you to easily configure complex flight mechanics for your wildest rockets.

Reliable firmware

rigorously tested and constantly updated.

Realtime telemetry

allows you to easily monitor altitude, speed, acceleration, GPS position, status and much more, over long distances.

Remote arming & controls

to trigger ground tests, in-flight events, and allow you to safely arm the device once you’re ready for launch.

Voice synthesizer

will continuously speak telemetry data so you can look at your rocket instead of the screen.

GPS locator

displays your rocket’s position, and makes a QRcode to send this position to your smartphone’s GoogleMaps.

Easy configuration

of Fluctus’s parameters and flight event rules, all remotely.

Easy BlackBox download

containing all the data, after your flight, via the usb connector.

Flight summary

automatically generated from the log file, showing you the key flight data.

Data plotting

of all the values Fluctus has recorded in its black box. (there’s a lot of it…)

3D trajectography

using GPS data to visualize your rocket’s trajectory on a globe map.

Configuration view

as it flew, to simply deal with potential faults.

Data export

to a .csv file, for more detailed analysis in a spreadsheet.

Useful analysis tools

  • Flight flags listing
  • “Hotspots” detection
  • Engine thrust impulse measurement
  • Aerodynamic properties measurement

Now with mobile support !

Download the new Fluctus telemetry application for both Android and iOS.

Looking for software or other resources ?

Take a look at the download center