Fluctus version changelog
update 1.7 31/01/25
Fluctus Control Center
- Proper telemetry handling of flights above barometer’s range (19480m)
Fluctus firmware
- Compatibility added for the new IMU embedded in latest Fluctus hardware
- Fixing some slight timing issues with inertial navigation apogee detection for flight above 19480m
- Rebuilt auto sanity startup check (testing way more parameters, including GPS)
- Under the hood cleaning and optimization of the gyrometer driver
- Changes made on the sensor illusion feature (still in beta)
- Tweaked accelerometer calibration procedure
Fluctus Telemetry mobile app
- BUGFIX: USB ground station connection sometimes impossible
- UI changes for better scaling on low dpi screen settings
- Ground station version check fixed
Firmware 1.7 is required for all Fluctus shipped from now on.
patch 1.6b 23/01/25
Fluctus Control Center
- Fixing missing UI text font issue
- Fixing telemetry speaker flight statistics sentence at apogee
- Fixing device list sporadic behaviors
update 1.6 22/01/25
Fluctus Control Center
- BUGFIX: Overview tab GPS signal lock indicator glitched
- BUGFIX: Application sometimes crashes when using the realtime data plotting
- BUGFIX: Proper handling when telemetry logging folder is not allowed
- BUGFIX: Config display messed up in the blackbox viewer
- BUGFIX: BlackBox Viewer 3D map generation was failing on rare edge cases
- Updated expiring map API key
- Quick ground station reconnection menu added
- Better (less annoying) version mismatch error handling
- Super convenient Silicdyne product detection and device list selection added
- Lots of UI tweaks and improvements
- Imperial units option added for basic telemetry, speaker, and blackbox overview data
- Telemetry display interpolation and rebuilt orientation visualizer for ground level indication
- Realtime graphs are now automatically halted at touchdown for instant flight profile review
- Rocket distance from launch pad added to Locate tab
- More appropriate telemetry data unit scaling
- Tower tilt angle is now logged and shown post-flight in the blackbox viewer
- Improved telemetry speaker (less stuttering, details touchdown sentence, etc.)
- Better radio communication error handling (silent parsing error handling)
- Safer firmware updater (products IDs are better checked to ensure compatibility)
- Application window don’t reduce anymore after clicking in a dialog box
- Compliance with every back-end changes made on Fluctus firmware
- Rebuilt in-app channel scanner interface (still in early stages)
- Exit G.S. connection buttons added
Fluctus firmware
- BUGFIX: Premature pyro firing with arm on bootup when using long duration fire setting (> 5s)
- Completely redesigned barometric vertical speed measurement system – much smarter and cleaner estimate
- Flight timer now running during configured countdown, holding at zero while waiting for launch, and incrementing again at liftoff
- Maximum angle variable now only look for the maximum reached over the last second of flight (avoid staging abort due to oscillations at tower exit)
- Fluctus now measures and send orientation relative to world’s ground, before and after flight (useful for launch tower adjustment)
- GPS configuration tweaked for better in flight 3D tracking
- New UART telemetry data output feature on GPO4
- Runcam Split 4 compatibility added (power button press emulation)
- GPS altitude is now logged and some optimizations made on other blackbox flight values
- Better roll-rate measurement filtering
- Radio transmission specs revised for better FCC and CE compliance:
- For the US915 band: channel 0 (A) is on 902.500 Mhz and channel 25 (Z) is at 927.500 Mhz (1.000 Mhz increment), now using 500 khz bandwidth
- For the EU868-P band: now there’s only 2 channels (A and B) which uses 125khz bandwidth on 869.4625 Mhz and 869.5875 Mhz respectively
- More reliable checksum radio packet verification (now on 2 bytes)
- Rotating auxiliary messages added to reduce total radio packet size
- Slightly increased telemetry rate
- Less sensitive (more reliable) mounting error detection and correction
- Each rule output can now control independent servo angles (out-val)
- Rule counters can now be set to a specific value (out-val)
- More optimized on-board screen handling and general performance improvements under the hood
- Main tick frequency increased from 40 to 50hz
- Launch detection accel threshold tuned to 4G, baro threshold tuned to 30m/s
- Inertial (dead-reckoning) apogee detection delay tuned to 5% of total ascent duration
- Touchdown detection tuned for better reactivity
- Dead reckoning estimates now correctly ignored after apogee
- Better sensor measure fault handling improving overall reliability
- Now skipping gyrometer integration for one tick after launch detection (avoid a bit of origin shifting due to the long sampling blackout at launch)
- Embedded UI tweaks and improvements
- Pyro handling system fully revised
- GPO4 more safely locked when using runcam or telemetry output options
- Proper product identification
Fluctus Telemetry mobile app
- Added ability to automatically log incoming radio packets in csv files
- Imperial units option added for telemetry and speaker
- Many UI improvements
- Fixed map loading and distance to rocket issue on iOS
- Improved telemetry speaker with added flight statistics sentences
- Added RunCam camera control buttons and rule command control
- Improved error handling and overall reliability, compliance with all Fluctus firmware and FCC changes related to 1.6
update 1.5 20/09/24
Fluctus Control Center
- Added support for Europe 868Mhz frequency band
- Proximity channel scanning (experimental)
- Fluctus ID displayed in Live telemetry UI header
- Remembering last channel spec selection
- Logging all incoming packets by default
Fluctus firmware
- Automatic channel switching (increment) on bootup if the current one is already occupied
- Reorganized and optimized radio packet
- Displaying UID on power up
- Better radio reception handling
- Added support for Europe 868Mhz frequency band
- Default channel switched to Alpha
- Default pyro firing time set to 0.5 seconds
- Faster bootup
- inFreefall now false after apogee
patch 1.4b 05/09/24
Fluctus Control Center
- BUGFIX: USB not refreshing correctly after idling for too long
update 1.4 13/08/24
Fluctus Control Center
- Added support for the new Steady communication protocol
- Minor UI tweaking (main commands buttons)
Fluctus firmware
- Recognition for Steady radio call sign
- Added support for new bootloader
- Radio receive gain boosted
update 1.3 24/03/24
Fluctus Control Center
- Major UI changes, finally with scalable windows
- Integrated rules logic examples (dual deploy, staging…)
- Blackbox viewer motor’s thrust characterisation tool
- Blackbox viewer rocket’s aero drag coefficient calculation tool
- Ground station’s received radio packets logging
- Telemetry speaker enhanced
- Intervals added for flight data csv export
- Pre-loaded defaults in configurator
- HiCont panel removed
- Blackbox viewer touchdown speed estimation revised
Fluctus firmware
- BUGFIX: shifted blackbox rule flag index
- Better barometric speed measurement using FIR filtering
- More consistent apogee detection from flight to flight
- RunCam™ camera remote control feature
- More reliable touchdown detection
- Undervoltage lockout at power-up removed
- Non-detailled blackbox mode removed
patch 1.2b 28/01/24
Fluctus Control Center
- BUGFIX: DPI scaling problem with some Windows installations
update 1.2 06/01/24
Fluctus Control Center
- Product call sign handling
- Better error handling
Fluctus firmware
- BUGFIX: Touchdown sometimes detected after apogee when flying over the barometer range
- Radio product call sign
- Slightly revised flight sequencer’s flags
- Blackbox now log the instantaneous non-filtered battery input voltage
update 1.1 07/12/23
Fluctus Control Center
- Blackbox viewer’s overview touchdown speed tuned
- Blackbox viewer graph’s true horizontal axis value displayed
- In-app update notification
Fluctus firmware
- CRITICAL: Better gyrometer comm. error handling
- Sensor fusion simplified
- High altitude barometric atmosphere model implemented (NASA GRC’s)
- Gyrometer sensing range set to ±2000°/s
- Apogee velocity lockout set to 20m/s
- Blackbox data list slightly revised
- Default countdown set to 0s
release 1.0 16/11/23
Fluctus Control Center
- BUGFIX: Ambient temperature not displaying in BBV’s overview tab
- BUGFIX: Max roll rate absolute value in BBV’s overview tab
- Thrust measurement and vehicle configuration removed
- Safer firmware updater
- UI changes
- Better error handling
- BlackBox Viewer hotspots overview
- Fluctus Tools (USB) for debugging and quality check
Fluctus firmware
- BUGFIX: Pyro continuity hallucination completly fixed
- Thrust measurement and vehicle configuration removed
- Touchdown detection tuned
- BlackBox data list revised
- Apogee detection velocity lockout set to 50m/s and 70° angle
- Better sensor fault handling
- BlackBox ending flag and code
- Product identification
- Better dead-reckoning apogee detection
- Barometer valid range pushed up to 20km
- Improved sensor fusion
- Safer radio channel handling
- Airstart detection lockout at 10m/s
- Improved accelerometers data combinaison
- Pyro firing with delay now wait for complete fire before being resetable
- Quality checking tool
This is the first public stable version.
patch 0.5b 16/10/23
Fluctus Control Center
- CRITICAL BUGFIX: Unconditional rules were ignored if previously configured with the OR operator
- BUGFIX: DPI scaling problem with some Windows installations
- BUGFIX: Some rules were editable in the BlackBox viewer when they shouldn’t be
update 0.5 15/10/23
Fluctus Control Center
- BUGFIX: Error when loading a configuration file
- BUGFIX: Radio output power always set to LOW when low power mode was enabled
- RuleSystem improved ! (up to 4 conditions and 3 ouputs with AND/OR operator)
- BlackBox viewer’s graphs are now way more convenient to use
- 3D rocket trajectory review added !
- Configuration structure optimized
- Several UI changes
- Better error handling
Fluctus firmware
- BUGFIX: “Pyrostate” variables are now less meaningless
- RuleSystem improved ! (up to 4 conditions and 3 ouputs with AND/OR operator)
- Smarter ready for flight state recognition
- Accelerometers data are now combined for enhanced accuracy
- Battery undervoltage protection added
- Configuration structure optimized
- Better error/versioning handling
- Serveral UI improvements
update 0.4 17/09/23
Fluctus Control Center
- EXPERIMENTAL: Illusion system for replaying sensor data from a blackbox file on Fluctus (for testing/debugging purposes)
- Pyro fire wait delay implemented ! (in pyro’s rule out mode)
- New firmware updater !
- F.C.C. can now send useful data to our databases
- Several UI changes
- Better error handling
Fluctus firmware
- BUGFIX: The “altitude” variable is now correctly updated in IDLE mode
- BUGFIX: Prevent thrust measurement failure due to incorrect parameters
- BUGFIX: Screen is slightly brighter
- Pyro fire wait delay implemented !
- Each unit now has a unique ID associated with it
- Minor UI changes
update 0.3 18/08/23
Fluctus Control Center
- BUGFIX: BlackBox viewer “touchdown speed” now correct
- Many UI changes and corrections
- Better error handling
Fluctus firmware
- BUGFIX: BlackBox recording is more stable
- BUGFIX: Battery voltage filtering is now operating and tuned
- BUGFIX: No more pyrotechnic continuity hallucination
- Barometer filtering tuned (and corrected sampling rate)
- Barometric speed filtering tuned (more reactive)
- Apogee detection speed threshold tuned to +0 meters
- UI changes and corrections
- Drag and thrust calculation now have angle lockout to 70°
- Better sensor error handling
- Better apogee detection for flight above the barometer range (+9km altitude)
update 0.2 13/08/23
Fluctus Control Center
- BUGFIX: Realtime graph not resetting correctly
- BUGFIX: More robust configuration upload and download (far fewer transmission errors)
- Optimized configuration upload and download (faster)
- Realtime graph improvements (colors, permanent full scale buffer)
- Ready for flight in one click
- Blackbox’s manual start will directly start recording
- Latest firmware updates files are directly integrated in the software
- Minor UI changes
Fluctus firmware
- BUGFIX: Several blackbox start/stop are now possible
- BUGFIX: Gyrometer roll rate value not consistent
- Launch detection backup at 50 meters above ground
- Enhanced buzzer (louder)
- Better handling of burnout/airstarts transitions
- Burnout lockout set to 5 meters D.R.
- Minor UI changes
- Optimized booting (faster)
- Optimized configuration upload and download (faster)
- Blackbox items changes
- Blackbox and flag optimization for higher frequencies
- Overall optimizations for greater time stability
- Target tick frequency increased from 25 to 40hz !
- Barometer filtering tuned
- Barometric speed calculator tuned
- Touchdown detection tuned
- Battery voltmeter now features filtering
- Ready for flight in one click
- Blackbox’s autostart forced, but recording can be triggered earlier manually in F.C.C.
patch 0.1b 04/08/23
Fluctus Control Center
- BUGFIX: Software crash when a non-numerical value is selected in the Realtime graph
- BUGFIX: Software exit if you remain in a dialog box for too long (Steady USB timeout)
- BUGFIX: Gps status not refreshing in HiCont panel
release 0.1 29/07/23
Fluctus Control Center
- First version of F.C.C.
Fluctus firmware
- First version of the Fluctus firmware
These were the versions installed/delivered on betatest hardware hw0.10.